I was asked to enhance this display.   I replaced and sculpted his hair.  I lowered his eyes and eyelids so that he appears to be looking at the lamb in his arm.  I softened the entire display.  Put him on a wheeled pedestal with realistic ground cover, and created an engraved plexiglass sign that was lit from below.  I clothed him in the classic Jesus the Good Shepard outfit.  I put on different arms with the right configuration, and recast his hands from my own hands in the proper position for holding a lamb.  I repainted and airbrushed his face and hands. The display went from a cold emotionless presentation to a warm, intimate, and more life-like presentation.  I have always wondered, however, what on earth I was thinking when I gave him a  Little Bo Peep shepherd's hook!?
I was the lead fabricator for the photo booth for Universal Studios.  Someone started it and I took it over.   This was when I was working the summer at Cinnabar.  It was a fabrication house in Orlando, Florida.  I worked on numerous projects for Disney, Universal Studios, Planet Hollywood, Biosphere II, etc. 

A couple of contest entry boxes I worked on for Disney World hotels.  I made the yellow PVC ribbons and bows.   The boxes were already made.  I practiced first with lead strips first. 

A model I made for a trade show for Bostonian.

A model I made for Bass, Inc. for their tradeshow

This is a miniature model of a proposed animal show staging area for The Wild Animal Park in Riverside, California
These next three images are just a fun thing I did for Vacation Bible School.  I created sets  for a large church in Kettering, Ohio.  I'm only showing two out of the four themed vignettes, because I have no photos of the other two.   These first two images are of a vignette of Joseph's carpenter shop.    The walls are "stone", carved from EPS  the walls fade away to see the twilight sky, palm tree, and donkey out back   The wall fades away into a few stones that are just hanging in mid air, as is the broom leaning against a wall that is not there.

Fake moving fire, clouds and twilight projected onto the  walls, sound fx of the night and of animals outside.   A slate floor and hay,

This Vacation Bible School set was a Native American night scene.  I had integrated mechanical fireflies, special fx lighting, and sound Indian and night sound fx.  The flash ruined the night effect.
This is the rough concept I was given to tighten up and make more definite for an arcade game.  The next three drawings are my solutions and what was actually built and placed into arcades. 
I designed this by hand, and my wife redrew and colored the elevations with Adobe Illustrator to really highlight the details.

A concept for a faux stone sign for Charcoal House in Crawford, NE.

This and the next two drawings are concepts I drew for façade options for a home and garden tradeshow.

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