This is the real sign on the real building. I fabricated the sign and installed it. A visiting sign painter painted it.

This shows the back of the "theater" before I took this project on. I started by removing those cabinets to make room for more chairs.

I made this bin to accommodate the large mail bags that go it everyday. This was requested.

Handicap parking signs showed a handicapped cowboy tipping his hat to visitors

I turned the barrel into a portable sign.

My first Summer window display. I and another employee did this together. It was just a warm themed filler.

This is what the Jail looked like when I started the remake.

This was the condition of the interior of the jail when I arrived. Pretty bleak !

This is looking back out the door. Not inspiring at all.

The rusted pitted bars were sloppily set in a mound of concrete and were not solid at all. No lock.

I decided to furnish the cell in a light-hearted way, rather than realistically bland and cold.

Apparently the Sheriff's a "friend" of Annie Oakley.